
國際泛讀協會在上個月公佈了 LLL (Language Learner Literature) 2013 得獎名單,

由劍橋 2012 年出版的讀本 CER4: Man Hunt 榮獲 2013 LLL Award 青少年與成人組中高級數最佳優勝!(掌聲熱烈~啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪)

國際廣泛閱讀協會 (ERF, The Extensive Reading Foundation) 是一個非營利的慈善組織,宗旨在支持與促進大眾廣泛閱讀。而協會在2002年時特別為分級讀本設立了語言學習文學獎 (Language Learner Literature Award),該獎項可說是讀本屆的奧斯卡金像獎呢!此獎項每年頒發一次,每本被提名的作品都是經過專家嚴選的優良讀本,而榮獲優勝 (Winner) 的作品毫無疑問的~更是最佳的閱讀首選唷!


Man Hunt  This original murder mystery, set in a rural community, is a compelling read for crime story enthusiasts. Moving back and forth between the voices of the criminal and the police, MacAndrew draws the reader into the narrative. With clear, yet vivid language, the reader is able to participate in the problem-solving of the detectives as they unravel the mystery.” (Judge's comment)  官網原文請點我


劍橋讀本除了年年入圍 LLL Award 的作品外,還有其他系列的英文讀本也是很棒的加強英語閱讀能力的選擇~


Cambridge English Readers, a seven-level series of original fiction for adult.

Cambridge Experience Readers,  a seven-level series aimed at teenagers, which includes adated fiction and factbooks as well as original fiction.

Cambridge Storybooks for primary-age children. 

Readers for Teens, designed for young learners of American English. 


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