大家好!華泰文化與劍橋大學出版社合作邁向十周年了!2018  的劍橋年度師訓活動有特別的企劃,0421 在高雄及 0422 在台北舉辦的師訓活動,特別設計不同的講者及講題,小編將活動資訊分開成兩篇文章為各位作介紹。

點我了解 0422 台北場 Cambridge Day 資訊


高雄場師訓很開心邀請到了劍橋大學出版社 Marketing Director, Asia —Ivan Sorrentino 來台演講。Ivan現居日本,能說五種語言,本次將運用長年在跨國環境工作的經驗與視野,在講座中探討如何在數位科技日新月異的21世紀中,結合多元教學方法,幫助學生有效在英語課堂中鍛鍊所需之語言技能,並與現實生活接軌。


活動時間 (Date & Time)

2018-04-21 ( Sat. ) 13:00 ~ 16:30 

講者簡介 (Presenter Profile)

Ivan Sorrentino

Ivan Sorrentino is the ELT and Education Marketing Director, Asia for Cambridge University Press. Despite graduating from Cambridge University with studies concentrating on chemistry and maths, in 2001 a turning point changed his vista on life and he changed his life focus towards languages.

He taught English in Spain for 2 years and Japan for over 4 years before moving into the publishing industry. Originally starting as a sales representative in 1999, becoming the Japan ELT sales manager in 2004, he transitioned to a marketing role across Asia in 2008.

Ivan’s interest in language learning cover a wide variety of areas such as vocabulary, syntax, and prag-matics, motivation and identity, and language development. He approaches these aspects of language from a mix of perspectives – as a learner, a user, a teacher, and a parent, in addition to his professional in-volvement in materials

Practicing what he preaches, he currently speaks five languages.


講座議題 (Presentation Topic)

Presentation 1

21st century students, classrooms and materials

Over the last 10 to 20 years, the only thing that seems to have remained consistently true is that the rate of change keeps increasing! In the first session the presenter will look at where we are – who are the students in our classroom, what do they want and why do they want it? Given the digital “nativeness” of current students, he will look at a variety of technologies available and consider ways to exploit them in an educational or classroom setting. Finally he will look at print components, and the changing role they perform. This will set the context for understanding where we are now and how we got here. The presenter will illustrate the points above using examples from the newly published Interchange 5th edition.

Presentation 2

21st century workplace and skills

As back as 2014, people were estimating that fifty percent of current jobs would no longer exist in the world of 2025. While we can always point to the more extreme headlines as mere “clickbait” – exaggerated words to draw readers in to an article, the fact of the matter is that the world is changing and a key part of all educators is to help students equip themselves with the right skills to enter the workforce (or improve their situation once they have entered it). But what are these 21st century skills, why are they important and how do we teach them? The presenter will illustrate the points above using examples from the newly published Interchange 5th edition.

活動時間 (Schedule)

13:00-13:30 Registration  

13:30-13:40 Opening Speech

13:40-14:40 Presentation 1  

14:40-15:10 Tea Break

15:10-16:10 Presentation 2

16:10-16:30 Prize Drawing

活動地點 (Venue)

文藻外語大學   (行政大樓3樓 國際會議廳) 


No. 900, Minzu 1st Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City

(Wenzao University, Administration Building 3F.)

報名資訊 (Registration)


報名費用ADMISSION:免費 (Free)

報名辦法REGISTRATION:須事先報名 (Required)                                    


(Please use our online registration system to register.)


(A text message will be sent to you to confirm your registration.)


(Anyone who attends the full conference will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance.)


Should you have any questions, please contact:

Hwa Tai Publishing 02-2162-1217 Ext. 165

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