


200911號開始,所有印著出版社信頭的信紙、信封以及任何與週年紀念相關的文宣都要加上新的logo。我們將使週年logo旗幟飛揚在Edinburgh BuildingUniversity Printing House中間和Pitt Building上。




儘管出版社早在475年前就已成立,並且在1534年由亨利八世正式宣布,但真正的印刷工作卻是在1584年由首位大學印刷工在Senate House草坪設立了印刷間之後才開始。而那邊離現在出版社的書店距離不過才幾碼遠呢!


Hamish Symington、行銷設計經理和負責設計週年紀念商標的設計師來說,他們很清楚這個設計的邏輯。他們說:「在字體方面,我們使用Garamond這個字型,因為它的數字排列不在一直線上,顯得比較活潑。另外還有鑽石型的小點,感覺比較經典。說明的文字使用Quadraat字型,相形之下顯得比較現代,出版社有很多學術書的封面也是使用這個字型。我們的目標是新舊結合,讓出版社的長遠歷史和現代活動能行成對比。」




New logo for anniversary

WEDNESDAY 16 July | Global


The Press is to mark 425 years of printing and publishing with the launch of a new logo.  

From 1 January 2009, all letterheaded stationery and envelopes must display the new logo. It should also be used on any material directly relating to the anniversary. In Cambridge we will be using the logo on the flag flying in between the Edinburgh Building and the University Printing House, as well as for the flag on the Pitt Building tower.   

The logo forms an integral part of the Press’s drive to draw attention to this important anniverary, which of course coincides with the University’s celebration of its 800th year in existence.   

Although the Press was founded 475 years ago, originating from Letters Patent granted to the University by Henry VIII in 1534, printing did not actually begin until 50 years later, when Thomas Thomas, the first University Printer, set up a printing house on the site of what became the Senate House lawn – a few yards from where the Press’s bookshop now stands.   

For Hamish Symington, Marketing Design Manager and the designer responsible for creating the anniversary logo, there was a clear logic governing its design. “For the fonts, I used Garamond, because it has interesting non-aligning numerals and a diamond dot, which is a little more classical. By contrast, Quadraat, used for the explanatory text, is a very modern face, and is what we set many of our academic book jackets in. My aim was to marry the old and the new, contrasting the Press's history with its modern activities.”



Letterhead n. 印在信紙的信頭

Anniversary n. 週年紀念

Integral a. 不可或缺的

Font n. 字型

Classical a. 經典的

Non-aligning 非排成直線的




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