Join Super Safari, a super start to learning!
劍橋大學出版社全新出版,幼兒英語啟蒙教材─Super Safari
華泰文化即將在4/23 (Sat.)於高雄舉辦 Super Safari 新書發表會與師訓講座,誠摯地邀請您來參與,
和 Super Safari 一同帶著孩子展開一場學習探險之旅!
Session 1 (Angel Jeng)
Super Safari Introduction
Language is not only the unique communication among humans, but also the significant mark of a culture. Learning a language helps us open the gate to the world to see and experience its fascinating treasures. Therefore, learning a language should be joyful and interesting. The role of a children’s English teacher is crucial. His and her essential task is to provide language education rather than just teaching language skills. In other words, he or she should lead children to discover the interests of language learning and spark their passion for self-learning. In this talk, the presenter will introduce a new series of children’s English book Super Safari through its design concepts and the functions of the components to reveal how a good teaching resource helps in language education.
語言不僅是人類獨有的溝通方式,亦是整個文化累積與推演的印記。學語言即是打開世界的大門,幫助我們認識不同文化的人事物,體驗世界的精彩。學語言該是快樂愉悅的,該是興致盎然的,因此幼兒英語教師的角色格外重要,首要任務便是有意義的「語言教育」而非「技巧教學」,不但要帶領孩子發現語言學習的樂趣,更要激發孩子自我學習的熱情。本講題將藉由劍橋出版社專為學齡前兒童所設計的教材 Super Safari,一探幼兒教材的設計理念,以及教學配件的實用功能,如何協助老師完成重要的教學任務。
Session 2 (Cherry Hung)
A New Learning Adventure with Super Safari (Teaching Demo)
Do you feel frustrated while trying hard to make fun and interesting lesson plans? Do you get pressured while working hard to engage your students in class? Cherry Hung, a teaching holic, has 14 years of teaching experiences but never feels that way. Instead, she is brimmed with energy and inspiration. In her mind, every child has different learning potentials waiting to be discovered. That is where her inspiration comes from. In this section, Cherry would like to be the ‘guide’ to show us what is fun and important in language teaching via Super Safari. She will also share new teaching ideas and the ways to keep children curious language learners in class.
你已經為了設計新穎有趣的上課活動,而備感挫折嗎?你已經為了提起孩子的學習興趣,而備感壓力嗎? 熱愛教學的 Cherry,投身英語教學已有十四年時間,卻仍然創意無限。她相信每個孩子都深具不同的學習潛力,這即是老師創意教學的來源。Cherry 將於本講題中擔任「導覽員」,帶領大家進行一場 Super Safari,旅途中與老師們一同交流教學好點子。
Angel Jeng
Angel Jeng is the Hwa Tai Publishing Product Consultant and also the editor of Phonics Land. She has over 8 years’ experience in teaching and managing educational projects. Angel holds a degree in linguistics from Fu Jen Catholic University. Her interest is to see children learning English and making progress in a fun and joyful way.
Angel Jeng 現為華泰文化產品顧問,亦為 Phonics Land 書系編輯。已有超過八年時間,參與英語教學和課程活動規劃與執行。Angel 畢業於天主教輔仁大學語言學研究所,最大的希望就是孩子們都能快樂學習英語,快樂成長。
Cherry Hung
Cherry Hung is a teacher training instructor at Giraffe English in Taichung where she’s been teaching for 14 years. She is a very experienced English teacher, and throughout her teaching career, she has taught students from ages 2 to 65 at a variety of kindergartens and cram schools. She devotes herself not just to English teaching but also to helping her young learners to become better people in the future.
Cherry Hung 目前為長頸鹿美語中區首席講師,投身英語教學已有十四年時間。任教於多所知名幼兒園和補習班等,學生年齡層橫跨兩歲至六十五歲。Cherry 不僅熱愛英語教學,更希望能在學生成長之路,給予最大最好的協助。
13:00 - 13:30 | Registration |
13:30 - 13:35 | Opening |
13:35 - 14:25 | Session 1: Super Safari Introduction |
14:25 - 14:30 | Q&A |
14:30 - 14:50 | Tea Break |
14:50 - 15:05 | Fun Time |
15:05 - 15:55 | Session 2: A New Learning Adventure with Super Safari (Teaching Demo) |
15:55 - 16:00 | Q&A |
高雄商務會議中心 3F(四維廳)
高雄市前鎮區中山二路 5 號
No.5, Zhongshan 2nd Rd., Qianzhen Dist., Kaohsiung City (3F Room Siwei)
[ 交通資訊 ]
捷運:搭乘高雄捷運紅線,於 R7 獅甲站 4 號出口出站,步行約 2 分鐘可抵達。
駕車:國道 1 號中山高速公路南下終點右轉接中山路往高雄市區約 3 公里可抵達。
- 敬邀具教學經驗之兒童美語及幼兒美語教師、補教機構主任/負責人等報名參加。
- 限額報名:42 位,因場地限制須事先報名,額滿為止。
- 報名費用:NT 200 元/人(報名費用須於活動現場繳交)。
- 凡參與完整講座者,將可獲贈一組 Super Safari 教學配件包及劍橋英語讀本一本。
報名時間:自 2016/3/25(Fri) 至2016/4/22(Fri)
若有任何報名相關問題,請洽詢華泰文化高雄分公司:07-349-7717 分機 577 吳小姐
凡全程參加者,將可獲贈一組 Super Safari 教學配件包及劍橋英語讀本一冊。
※市價超過新臺幣 880 元,物超所值,絕對精采。
- Super Safari 字母著色本
- Super Safari 蠟筆組
- Super Safari Monkey Mike 後背小書袋
- Super Safari 鸚鵡教學手偶
- Cambridge University Press 劍橋小熊吊飾
H 小編 2016/4/18